
当您的企业准备好投资林奇堡和我们的员工, we are ready to support you through targeted investments that provide immediate returns and long-term benefits for Lynchburg citizens. Below is a sample of incentives and credits available to eligible firms relocating to or expanding in Lynchburg.

所有项目由经济发展办公室管理 & 旅游及经济发展局可能会作出修改, 资金的可用性,以及监管局和工作人员的审查和批准. Please review the most currently available information and contact our office for clarification prior to beginning your project.

Local Support

Enterprise Zones

The City of Lynchburg boasts two Enterprise Zones providing investment incentives covering 4,200 acres of commercial property. In our Enterprise Zones, state and local incentives combine to support existing business expansion and new business relocation. 激励措施包括为房地产投资和创造就业提供现金补助, 以及符合条件投资的当地福利.

Real Property Investment Grant

  • 商业地产的合格投资, industrial or mixed-use building or facility within the boundaries of a designated Virginia Enterprise Zone (requires at least 30% commercial space)
  • 20% cash grant for real property rehabilitation investments above a $100,000 threshold
  • 超过50万元的新建筑投资可获20%现金资助
  • 投资低于500万美元的,资助上限为10万美元
  • 投资500万美元或以上的奖金上限为20万美元

Job Creation Grants

  • 每项工作每年可获高达800元的现金资助,为期五年
  • 需要创造5个或更多的就业机会
  • 要求工资等于或高于联邦最低工资的175%(含福利)
  • 个人服务、零售、食品和饮料职位不符合条件
  • 补助金将以符合补助金资格的职位的工资为基础


EDA Capital Investment Program

现金形式的激励价值, infrastructure improvements or other support as determined by the EDA may be given for eligible capital investments. 资本投资(企业、个人财产、机械)产生的所有税收 & 工具、房地产改善等.)必须在36个月内产生正的投资回报, 哪一项须经核实并符合履约协议的条款. This program includes a maximum incentive equivalent to 2% of the capital investment up to $10 million or 1% of capital investment over $10 million, with a cap of $350,000.

EDA Job Creation Grant

创造就业补助金以现金形式提供激励价值, infrastructure improvements or other support as determined by the EDA to support large-scale employment expansion. Grant value may be up to the value of a 2% increase in annual payroll of FTE positions with health benefits if base employment is increased by more than one-third or thirty net-new positions, whichever is greater. 这个资助机会需要年度工资审核和绩效协议.


This tax credit opportunity effects Residential, Multi-Family, and Commercial and Industrial spaces. Effective in January 2018, residential rehabilitation projects will be offered up to 10 years of real estate tax exemption on the improved value of the home. Multi-Family properties, 代表五个或五个以上单位的, 会不会获得8年的免税. Commercial and Industrial properties will be given up to ten years of tax exemption on the improved value of rehabilitation and renovation. 这一努力有可能为工商业创造就业机会.

For more details, 请致电(434)455-3830或访问 http://www.lynchburgva.gov/real-estate-rehabilitation-and-renovation-program

Local Redevelopment Program

Designed to support small- and medium-scale investments in commercial property within the City of Lynchburg, 当地重建计划支持部分符合条件的支出. 房产要求至少30%的商业用途,最低投资额为25,000美元. 需要适当的许可才能获得资格, 提交的工程费用由最终的建筑许可证核实. Application and finalized building permit must be submitted by May 1st for work completed in the previous calendar year (defined as March 1st – February 28th). Funds will be awarded by June 30th. 欲知更多资料及申请表格,包括 Scoring Matrix,请致电434-455-4494或发送电子邮件与经济发展办公室联系 alisha.meador@lynchburgva.gov.

Industrial Park Property

The Economic Development Authority of the City of Lynchburg owns and manages two industrial parks. For major qualifying investments, EDA可提供物业出售或租赁的优惠利率, 建造租赁或建造拥有的安排, 现场准备、基础设施改善和/或其他发展援助.

Technology Zone

整个林奇堡市都是经过认证的技术区. Qualified tech-based businesses are eligible for local tax incentives for net new capital investment and job creation. Any qualified technology business that locates in or is already located in the technology zone shall be entitled to a five-year reimbursement of business license taxes as follows: during the first calendar year, a 75 percent reimbursement; for the second calendar year a 50 percent reimbursement; and for the third, 第4和第5日历年25%的报销.

  • 需要至少10万美元的净新资本投资
  • 在12个月内,净雇佣5名新的全职员工
  • 工资等于或大于联邦最低工资的200%

欲赌博十大平台排行信息,请联系经济发展部主任Marjette Upshur & 旅游咨询电话:(434)455-4490或marjette.upshur@lynchburgva.gov. 

Industrial Revenue Bonds

The Economic Development Authority of the City of Lynchburg is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia organized and operating under the Virginia Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 49, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia, 1950.

Companies seeking to finance new manufacturing facilities or improvements to existing facilities can obtain long-term financing at favorable interest rates through the use of industrial revenue bonds (IRBs). An IRB is issued by a local industrial or economic development authority to finance the acquisition, 建设和/或设备设施或可用于再融资现有的内部审核委员会. Tax-exempt financing may also be available for facilities for nonprofit organizations like hospitals and schools. 

Fees of the Economic Development Authority of the City of Lynchburg include non-refundable application fee, 公听会广告费, 当局律师费及年费, when billed, an annual administrative fee of 1/10th of 1% of the outstanding principal amount of the Bond on each anniversary date of the closing date 

Bond issuance requires approval at public hearing by both the Economic Development Authority of the City of Lynchburg and the Lynchburg City Council. 欲赌博十大平台排行信息,请联系经济发展部主任Marjette Upshur & 旅游咨询电话:(434)455-4490或marjette.upshur@lynchburgva.gov. 

Opportunity Zones

The Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 included provisions for a new revitalization tool, 机会地带及机会基金. The program will allow investors to receive tax benefits on currently unrealized capital gains by investing those gains in qualified census tracts, or Opportunity Zones. 林奇堡市有四个联邦政府指定的区域. 

有关弗吉尼亚州联邦机会区的更多信息, 包括指定区域的交互式地图, 请访问住房和社区发展部 Map Viewer. 您可以在http://mapviewer上查看林奇堡的区域.lynchburgva.gov/ParcelViewer/,并在左侧栏突出显示“机会区”. 

更多信息请咨询住房部门 & Community Development is available here

如果您对投资林奇堡市的项目或企业感兴趣, 请在Marjette联系Marjette Upshur.upshur@lynchburgva.gov or (434) 455-4490. 

Tourism Zone

In September 2015, the Lynchburg City Council established the entire city as a Tourism Zone in order to promote the continued development and success of tourism-based businesses. Tourism projects in the city may be eligible for the Commonwealth of Virginia’s 旅游发展融资方案, a gap financing program managed by the Virginia Tourism Corporation and the Virginia Resources Authority. Contact Marjette Upshur at marjette.upshur@lynchburgva.gov for more information.


James River Arts & Cultural District Program

Arts & 位于该市詹姆斯河艺术区内的文化企业 & 文化区有资格报销某些营业执照税, 以及适用和批准的监管灵活性. Contact our office at (434) 485-7291 for more information about placing your business in the Arts District.

The Office of Economic Development and Tourism also manages the Arts District grant fund for nonprofit organizations, businesses and individuals wishing to participate or complete arts-related projects in the District. 申请截止日期为每年的8月1日和2月1日. 联系Emelyn Gwynn Light,电话:(434)485-7291或 Mauresa.Nenadovich@lynchburgva.gov for application information. 

Application Information